About Me

Hi there! I’m a 24-year-old female who moved to Cleveland, OH after growing up and living Rochester, New York for most of my life. Food and fitness are both a huge part of my life. I am runner, I love P90X and Insanity. Although I work at a hospital here in Cleveland, I’m not involved in anything clinical! I actually work for the 501(c)3 arm of the hospital in their Foundation in fundraising. I absolutley love my job and feel so fortunate to wake up and work with a great group of people.

My boyfriend works in Information Technology and although he has to commute a bit to his job…he gets to work at home 2 days a week (lucky duck :P). Jamie has been playing hockey since he was 3, and he spends at least a couple of days a week playing goalie for local men’s leagues around Northeast Ohio. In our free time we can usually  be found checking out Cleveland, watching hockey, cooking some good eats, spending time with friends and family and working out as much as we can!

I believe that you can be a “foodie” while still being healthy. At Julia Child once said, “everything in moderation…including moderation”. Food is my way of  showing the most important people in my life how much I appreciate them…and it just so happens that one of the perks of the job is getting to eat the finish product (and taste test along the way) 🙂 This blog is a chronicle of my journey in food, in fitness and in life!

Here we are again, and we're in the same position just in a different place 😛

There's Jamie after his men's league team won their league. (We are big Sabres Fans if you can't tell from his goalie equipment!)

We’ve got two cats, even though I am a die-hard dog person. I’ve grown to love the little rascals! They’re our babies (for now!)

This is Lily, she's the princess of the family

Here's Louie sniffing some flower that Jamie got me..I had to put them in the bathroom and close the door so he wouldn't eat them!

Here are both Louie and Lily in their natural state. They sleep pretty much all day. haha