Like P90X? Try HASfit (it’s free!)

So, I’ve noticed recently that the Free Insanity Videos have been missing. Unfortunately,  it’s very possible that they were taken down! I’ll be monitoring the site to see if they come back up so keep your fingers crossed.

However, I wanted to share one of my favorite sites that closely mimics P90X is HASfit, and the best part about it is that it is free, and according the website, it will always be free (I love free things!!).

I know that this is the time of year that people begin to think of their New Year’s resolutions and one of the most popular ones is to loss weight/get in shape/eat healthier/be healthier. The gym is always the most pack the first few weeks in to the New Year and as we get to February, the crowds dissipate. If you’re not sure that you want to make the financial commitment for a gym membership, or the commitment to buy P90X  then try HASfit out from the comfort of your own home.

Click on the picture and it will launch the website!

Click on the picture and it will launch the website!

They have complete workout guides to help you reach your fitness goals without asking you to open your wallet. As Joshua “Coach” Kozak says, “HASfit will always be FREE because we believe that every Heart And Soul deserves to be fit”. I dig it!

HASfit offers over 200 video workouts on demand and knowledge on how to get in shape and the website presents complete 30 – 90 day fitness programs for all goals and fitness levels.

  • 30 days to get in shape
  • 30 days to get six-pack abs
  • 30 day teenage weight loss program
  • Warrior 90 day work out program
  • 90 days work out program to build muscle

You can also look videos by muscle group, and there is a whole section on at home routines for those who want to stay in instead of brave the cold winter weather. I wasn’t asked in write a post about this website, I just wanted to share another great option for those who are looking to reach their fitness goals. Variety is the spice of life! 🙂

Weekend Recap: 5k run and Frozen Yogurt

Hello there! This weekend was packed with activities and Jamie and I were moving and shaking!

On Thursday one of Jamie’s old fraternity friends, Luke, stayed over on his way to Milwaukee. I had to work late on Thursday night, but Jamie, Luke and Jamie’s best friend Drew went to a show. Luke and Jamie are both night owls who happen to like beer and video games, so whenever he is in town they stay up until the sun comes up. Jamie stumbled into bed at 4am on Friday… 30 minutes before I got up to workout! Luke also stayed over Friday night and we all visited Brennan’s Colony again.

Jamie and I were running a 5k to benefit where I work on Saturday morning and we had to be there at 7:30am to help set up! We had both decided that drink beers the night before and staying up fairly late was not the greatest idea haha. At any rate, it was a perfect day for a race and over 1100 people showed up to benefit MetroHealth!

At least we didn’t have a hangover, (but I’m sure we were dehydrated) and we were surprised to find that we ran it is 27:58 at a pace of 9:00 per mile, which is actually way better than we had anticipated! Below is us right after we had finished running 🙂

Jamie’s cousin, her husband and their baby (our God Daughter) arrived in town around 5pm on Saturday and we met them over Jimmy Daddona’s for some delicious Italian food (their garlic knots are amaaaaazing). Then we headed over to a Menchie’s like frozen yogurt place which was also yummy! I had cake batter with lost of chocolate like toppings 😛 Also, as you can see, Abby was having a pretty good time with the frozen yogurt and I think she gave it her seal of approval!

And unfortunately, the weekend is over and it’s back to work. This week is going to be busy one, with another not-so-relaxing weekend ahead. Jamie’s sister from California is coming in on Thursday and Abby and her parents will be back in town on Saturday, and they are all staying until late on Monday!

As much as I love family, it’s really just a lot of prep to get the house ready for guests and find things to entertain them with. Am I the only one that feels this way? Do you have big plans for memorial day?